IACE, New York


Dear teachers,
IACE, which promotes Italian language and culture in schools and educational districts across the tristate area, and Superciao tour, which supports Italian educators by offering pedagogical development courses, original didactic materials and educational tours, have been a strong and productive team since 2004.  As many of you know, over the course of these fifteen years we have developed formational initiatives for teachers and promoted educational and cultural tours in which many of you have taken part.

We have incentivized each other and integrated our efforts in a synergetic approach that will continue to increase the study of Italian and advancement to the AP level; two notable examples of our fruitful collaboration include the grants that IACE offers schools to provide students and teachers the most effective tools for language learning, and the highly specialized Italian tours that Superciao tour offers.

Indeed, Superciao Tour’s efforts to conceptualize and produce didactic materials (which reflect our commitment to providing the most innovative and effective techniques for language acquisition) go hand-in-hand with the continual development of Italian tours for your students.

The positive results and enthusiastic feedback we’ve received has inspired us to enhance and increase the scope of our collaboration to offer new possibilities for your students to discover — or solidify their knowledge of — Italian language and culture.

With our partnership stronger than ever, we present you this catalogue of trips for American students to Italy (and Europe more broadly) and proudly reiterate our commitment to advancing the study of the Italian language.

In fact, student trips to Italy are the best conclusion to their studies (or sometimes even the reason they elected to learn Italian in the first place) since these trips do not close the door on students’ relationship with Italian, but rather inspire a new interests, questions, and knowledge.

Furthermore, many schools that have taken part in our educational tours have found increased numbers of students registering for Italian courses.

We hope that these results of our collaborative efforts will catch your eye and that you will bring them to the attention of your schools’ administration.  To bring more and more students to great cities of art, through small villages, along streets brimming with inestimable cultural treasures, and into contact with the language, traditions and everyday life of Italy and its people — this is our ultimate goal.

We look forward to the curiosity and enthusiasm that you and your students continually bring to our programs, and we likewise look forward to educating and guiding you with that same enthusiasm.

With warm regards,

Presidente Berardo Paradiso

Project leader, Federica Protti